"Experience a world of exclusive benefits by joining our sponsorship program. As a valued member, unlock early event access, personalized updates, and special discounts. Connect with a community that shares your passion, fostering meaningful connections. Your support goes beyond acknowledgment – it's a celebration. Shape a brighter future with unique networking opportunities and be part of something extraordinary. Explore the extensive benefits waiting for you just below. Sign up now and elevate your experience with us!"
60K (Platinum)
Prime Booth Location
Keynote Speaking Opportunity
Branding on All Conference Materials
VIP Networking Access
Sponsored Workshop/Panel Session
Dedicated Email Blast to Attendees
Premium Advertisement Placement
Social Media Promotion
VIP Seating
Post-Conference Analytics Report
Sponsored Table at Awards Gala
Up to 4 Approved Items in Swag Bag
8 Full Summit Passes
30K (Gold)
Strategic Booth Location
Panel Participation
Branding on Selected Conference Materials
Networking Event Access
Sponsored Breakout Session
Email Mention to Attendees
Advertisement in Conference Program/App
Social Media Recognition
Reserved Seating
Engagement Report
Sponsored Table at Awards Gala
6 Full Summit Passes
Up to 2 Approved Items in Swag Bag
15K (Silver)
Booth on Conference Floor
Session Attendance
Branding on the Conference Website
Networking Event Access
Session Highlights
Newsletter Mention
Digital Advertisement
Social Media Mentions
Preferred Seating
Basic Engagement Analytics
Sponsored Table at Awards Gala
3 Full Summit Passes
1 Approved Items in Swag Bag
Technology Equipment & Software
- Laptops/tablets - Cybersecurity software/tools<br>- Server/cloud services
Venue & Facilities Additions
- Conference venue use - Audio-visual equipment, Security services
Catering Services
-Meals, snacks, beverages - VIP/speaker lounge catering
Printing & Promotional Materials
- Conference booklets, brochures - banners, signage
Marketing & Media Coverage
- Advertising space - Media coverage - Social media promotion
Transportation & Accommodation
- Shuttle services - Discounted hotel rates - Airfare for speakers
- Event planning/management - Legal/financial consulting - Photography, videography
Professional Services
- Expert-led workshops - Capture the Flag, Career Resources, Resume review, Mock Inteviews
Workshops & Training Sessions
Networking & Social Events
- Networking event sponsorship - Entertainment services
- Haircare and skincare products, including samples
- Aromatherapy products, essential oils, or wellness equipment, massage tools for use in relaxation zones
Health & Wellness
Conference Swag
- Branded items - T-shirts, bags, notebooks, Stress balls, fidget toys, water bottles